2006 Steedman Fellowship International Design Competition

The Steedman Fellowship, granted since 1925, is awarded biannually on the basis of an International Design Competition. The Competition is supported by an endowment given to the Washington University School of Architecture in honor of James Harrison Steedman, who received a degree in mechanical engineering from Washington University in 1889, and was killed in active duty during World War I. The memorial was established by Steedman’s widow, Mrs. Alexander Weddel, and Steedman’s brother, George.
The Steedman Traveling Fellowship enables graduates of accredited professional degree programs in architecture around the world to travel for architectural research and study in foreign countries for a period of nine months. The $30,000 Fellowship is awarded to the winner of the Steedman International Design Competition. The award is based on the quality of the selected winner’s competition design entry, but the quality of his/her research proposal is also considered.

Candidates must be graduates of an accredited school of architecture, and be currently employed in, or have completed at least one year of practical experience in the office of a practicing architect. Candidates are eligible to compete for up to eight years after receipt of their professional degrees, regardless of age. Citizens of all countries are eligible to compete for the Fellowship.

“A contemporary observatory for new dialogues among humans and non-humans”
Competition Chair: Inaki Abalos
The competition jury will include the architects Juhani Pallasmaa from Helsinki, Finland, and Renata Sentkiewicz, Madrid. Other jurors will be announced. The competition award is $30,000 and is open to all eligible graduates of professionally accredited degree programs in architecture worldwide (See website for eligibility requirements).

The deadline for registering is January 27, 2006. Info on the competition and registration can be found at http://www.steedmancompetition.com

Registration Deadline
January 27, 2006
Program Published
February 3, 2006
Submission Deadline
March 13, 2006
Jury meeting & Announcement of Award
March 20, 2006
Exhibition and Publicity
The winning entry, honorable mentions and selected short-listed examples will be exhibited in Givens Hall at the School of Architecture, Washington University in St. Louis in March and April 2006; the winning entry will also be displayed on the Steedman website with jury comments.

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