ARQUITECTUM: Venice 2006

This competition is open to professional architects worldwide, and concerns the creation of a new bridge that will replace the existing Academy Bridge. Not only will it serve as an axis connecting both sides of the canal and as entry portal to the Rio Alto, but it will also become a City Museum showcasing the history, tradition and architectural splendour of the city of Venice. This museum will occupy a built area of approximately 1,000 square metres, and will possess the following program: Entry Hallway, Temporary Exhibit Hall, Permanent Exhibit Hall, Storage, Restrooms, Maintenance, Security, Offices and Cafeteria.
Winning schemes will be exhibited in Venice at the IUAV and online at the ARQUITECTUM website. First prize is: two airplane tickets to Venice to attend the awards ceremony and a place in the Venice 2006 contest exhibit in October 2006; two nights of lodging; two tickets to the International Architecture Biennale of Venice; and features in the European Design Magazine and the Asian design magazine Hinge dedicated to the winners of the Venice 2006 competition.
Online registration commences on April 1, 2006 at July 17, 2006 is the submission deadline; participants must deliver their proposal via the internet, and must consist of a single digital image 750 Kb in size. Winners will be announced on September 1, 2006. The fee for early registration is $100 US and $150 US for late registration.

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