European Prize competition

Barcelona Kaasaegse Kultuuri Keskus (CCCB) annab neljandat korda välja
Euroopa Avaliku Ruumi Auhinna. Iga kahe aasta tagant väljaantav auhind
soovib tunnustada Euroopa linnaruumides edukalt aset leidnud linnaruumi
avaliku sfääri taastootmisprotsesse, mis on suurendanud linna sotsiaalse
kohesiooni võimekust.
Sel aastal oodatakse auhinnale kandideerima ka Eestit.
Täpsem info auhinna väljaandmise kohta ning kirjaga kaasnev lisa:

Ettepanekute esitamise periood on 15.01.2006-15.03.2006.

The Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) is pleased to
announce the 4th European Prize for Urban Public Space, a biennial
initiative that aims to foster and recognise the process of recovering
the public dimension of urban spaces in Europe so as to enhance their
capacity for social cohesion. The Prize is co-organised with The
Architecture Foundation (London), the Architektur Zentrum Wien (Vienna),
Institut Français d’Architecture (Paris), the Nederlands

(Rotterdam) and the Museum of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki).
Twenty different countries were represented with 169 projects at the
last award, showing a growing if still timid sensibility towards the
need for revitalising public space in Europe. The most outstanding
projects submitted since the first time the Prize was offered have been
brought together in the on-line Archive on Public Space
( which now includes 250 projects from 150
European cities.

The submission period opens on 15 January, 2006 and closes on 15 March,
2006. The call for entries, the rules, information about the
international jury and all the registration details can be found at
Information can be also found in the
attached document.

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