Finnoo Sadamalinnaku rahvusvaheline avatud konkurss Espoos

The city of Espoo in co-operation with the Finnish Association of Architects is organising an open international Ideas Competition for the Finnoo Marina City. Espoo is the second largest city in Finland with diverse services and pleasant living environments – there are over 250 000 inhabitants.

Finnoo Marina City – Open International Ideas Competition

17 January 2012—4 June 2012;28;11866;17468;60637;148952

The city of Espoo in co-operation with the Finnish Association of Architects is organising an open international Ideas Competition for the Finnoo Marina City.

The purpose of the competition is to find inspiring and innovative models to interconnect the marina with a new urban area. Especially the urban structure on the shore line and even on top of the sea should be explored.

The reshaped Marina should become an inseparable part of the city with sufficient living and a vibrant living room for the yachters and city dwellers. The Finnoo Marina City will be the seaside centre for Finnoo with a distinctive character. The Finnoo Marina City should become a neighbourhood with emphasise on walking and biking and which is a vital part of the public foot and bicycle path following the shoreline of Espoo (rantaraitti). The aim for the whole Finnoo area is to make it a sustainable and carbon neutral district, which should be visible in Finnoo Marina City.

The competition seeks ways to connect the Marina City in to the Metro Centre north from the competition area and to the Fortum power plant next to the competition site. The aim is to study how a massive power plant structure can be taken into account as part of the land- and cityscape.

The competition is open to all citizens under the European Union Acquisition Laws. It is desirable for the entrants to form design groups with a varied composition of experts in the fields of land use and architecture, landscape architecture as well as traffic, community, construction and energy technology and marina operations.

It is required that the entrant or one of the entering group’s member is licensed to practise as an Architect or Landscape Architect in their own country.

The competition languages are Finnish and English. The procurement notification concerning the competition has been sent 20 December 2011 for publication at EU’s Simap website at

Awards mounting to €165 000 will be distributed as follows:

1st prize   €60,000
2nd prize  €45,000
3rd prize   €30,000

In addition two purchases worth €15 000 will be given.

Competitors have the right to request clarification of and additional information on the programme. Written questions relating to the competition must be submitted anonymously (the identity of the correspondent must remain secret), in English, and should be emailed to the following address: . Answers to the questions regarding the competition will be answered within one week of their receipt on the website. The deadline for receipt of questions regarding the competition is 4th May 2012.

The questions and answers will be published on the competition website.
The competition programme is free of charge. The program and the appendices can be downloaded as of 17 January 2012 from the competition website at:

Additional information
Torsti Hokkanen, Project Leader, gsm +358 50 413 2163
Anri Linden, the Secretary of the Jury  gsm +358 400 32 4089

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04.06.2012 00:00
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