Ida-Helsinki linnakeskuse avatud rahvusvaheline konkurss

The City of Helsinki is organising an open international competition regarding the central quarters of Itäkeskus and Puotila. The area is a major commercial center even within the whole metropolitan area of Helsinki and a busy transportation hub for tens of thousands of daily commuters and customers.

Helsinki East Urban Centre

location: Helsinki, Finland

type: open international ideas competition

stage I: 17 June – 25 October, 2019

stage II: January – March, 2020

prizes: 190,000 – 250,000 €

languages: English, Finnish

Competition website:

The City of Helsinki is organising an open international competition regarding the central quarters of Itäkeskus and Puotila. The area is a major commercial center even within the whole metropolitan area of Helsinki and a busy transportation hub for tens of thousands of daily commuters and customers. Yet something essential is missing outside the walls of the shopping enclaves and the passing trains and vehicles: urbanity and people. The aim of the competition is to provide new functions to the proximity of the public transportation hub and commercial services and turn the area from the present-day transit centre into a vibrant urban area.

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25.10.2019 00:00