Ideas Competition to Design an Ideal Library, Cork, Ireland

The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI), 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland (Tel: 00353 1 6761703/6691463.  Fax 00353 1 6769510, email:   web site: is administering a competition which is part of the Cork European Capital of Culture 2005 Programme on behalf of Cork City Council,  City Hall, Cork, Ireland, Tel: 00353 21 4966222, Fax: 00353 21 4414238, Website:  .
The competition is a One Stage Competition to design an ideal 21st century library for a city of approximately Cork’s size. See information sheet & registration form attached.
The invitation will issue to architects and students in architectural schools across Europe who are not more than 35 years of age at the closing date for entries.  This will be an opportunity for the architects of the future to suggest what a library might be.  The ambition of this competition is to create an architectural reference for a library housing the kinds of materials, activities and potential which the 21st century demands.  Registration opens Thursday 20 January 2005.
Prize Fund
A Prize fund of €10,000 will be awarded at the discretion of the assessors.  The prize premium paid to the winning entry will be €5000 and a further €5,000 to be divided between either joint 2nd, or 2nd and 3rd as decided by the assessors; in addition other entries might be highly commended or commended

Stage One Submission
Competitors are required to submit one A1 size sheet, landscape format.

Preliminary programme
Opening of Competition Registration:                                20 January 2005
Withdrawal of Registration and Refund of Registration Fee:  18 February 2005
Submission of Competitors Questions:                               4 March 2005
Circulation of Answers to Competitors:                               18 March 2005                       Registration Closes:                                                        20 May 2005
Submission of entry to the RIAI by 12 Noon:                      20 May 2005
Assessment:                                                                June 2005                              
Announcement:                                                            August 2005
September 2005                                                                                                                    

Registration forms will only be processed upon receipt of registration fee of €50.00, payable as follows: Irish Cheque, Bankers Draft, Postal Order, MasterCard, and Visa. Completed Registration forms should be sent to Jill Jacob at the RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland, Tel: 00353 1 6691463 / 6761703, Fax: 00353 1 6769510, E-mail:  
For FURTHER enquiries contact: Jill Jacob, RIAI, Tel: 00353 1 6691463 / 6761703, Fax: 00353 1 6769510, E-mail:   Website:

This information is for notice purposes only and does not form part of the competition brief and regulations.

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