Point Pleasant Park international design competition

Point Pleasant Park lies on a rocky 75-hectare promontory jutting into the Atlantic at the eastern end of the Halifax peninsula, and has been a place of recreation since the city’s founding in 1749. Before that, it was a hunting, fishing, and ceremonial area for the indigenous Mi’kmaq people. Until 1866, it was primarily a military bastion, and was subsequently leased as a public park. It ultimately became an urban forest.
In late September 2003, Hurricane Juan made landfall not far from the park. The maximum force winds swept over the city, caused millions of dollars of damage, and destroyed more than 75,000 trees in the park. Citizens made it clear they want to see the forest regenerated and the park’s character restored. The public also recognized the park’s significant cultural history and wishes to have its cultural resources integrated into the master plan.

July 15, 2005 is the registration deadline for this competition, with July 25, 2005 as the submission deadline. The award to the first stage finalists is $5,000 CDN, and the second stage winner will receive $50,000 CDN. The fee to enter is $100 CDN. The jury is comprised of John Abel, Bernard Bormann, Ph.D., Peter Jacobs, Mark Laird, and John E. Zvonar.

For more information, please visit http://www.pointpleasantpark.ca or e-mail pointpleasant@halifax.ca. Alternatively, you may write to:
Point Pleasant Park International Design Competition
HRM Real Property Planning
6th floor, Alderney Gate
P.O. Box 1749
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 3A5 

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