Rahvusvaheline võistlus “Ukraina” hotelli sissepääsualale Moskvas
The key aim of the competition is to determine the best artistic, design and architectural concept for the Ukraina Hotel entryway.
This competition was initiated on 15 February 2013 by Sergey Kuznetsov, Chief Architect of Moscow.
The key aim of the competition is to determine the best artistic, design and architectural concept for the Ukraina Hotel entryway.
The competition will be an open international competition, held in two stages.
Stage I — Qualification (17 September — 20 November 2013). Five Applicants selected by the Jury at Stage I, and five teams invited by the Client to participate in the Competition outside the selection procedure, will take part in Stage II (29th November to 25th February 2014).
The goal of Stage II of the Competition will be to determine three Finalists of the Competition — the creators of the best Architectural Concepts — of which one is proposed to be involved in the preparation of the design documentation.
The Winner will be selected by the Client.
Companies and consortiums of companies, comprising architects and structure experts, as well as individuals, are admitted to participate in the Competition. Foreign participants are expected to invite a Russian consultant to join the team to ensure compliance with Russian urban development norms and regulations.
You will find competition terms, application forms and samples, additional information on the competition and much more in our “Competition brief”
NB! Aplikatsioonide esitamise tähtaeg elektrooniliselt on 25. oktoobril!