Turku lossi ja ümbruse rahvusvaheline planeerimisvõistlus

The competition is organised for the area comprising Turku Castle, its surroundings and the western bank of the mouth of the Aura River in order to find a comprehensive overall idea. The unique history and the maritime nature of Linnanniemi are important features in the construction and planning of urban public spaces. The future Linnanniemi will be a centre of year-round urban culture where you can simultaneously experience the history, the sea and the most beautiful archipelago in the world.

Linnanniemi area in Turku

location: Turku (Åbo), Finland

type: open international ideas competition

submission: 21.4.2020 

prizes: 220,000 €

languagesEnglish, Finnish

competition website:

The competition is organised for the area comprising Turku Castle, its surroundings and the western bank of the mouth of the Aura River in order to find a comprehensive overall idea. The unique history and the maritime nature of Linnanniemi are important features in the construction and planning of urban public spaces. The future Linnanniemi will be a centre of year-round urban culture where you can simultaneously experience the history, the sea and the most beautiful archipelago in the world.

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Võistlustööde esitamise tähtaeg
21.04.2020 15:00