Avatud loeng: KTI 20 – David Crowley

KTI 20 loenguseeria neljas loeng:

1. märtsil kell 17.00 Teadusete Akadeemia saalis (Kohtu tn 6)

Architecture at the Limits of Critique in the Eastern Bloc in the 1980s

Architectural design in Eastern Europe under communist rule was
closely tied to power. Space and building materials were under central
command and architects were corralled in state bureaus working to
official commission. To search for architectural dissent in these
conditions seems like a quixotic project. Yet, the late 1970s saw
various kinds of critique emerge in Eastern Europe in parallel with
both the rise of anti-communist opposition and architectural
postmodernism. Critics in the architectural press, novelists,
sociologists, film makers, photographers and even pop singers drew
connections between the total industrialization of housing and forms
of anomie. At the same time, some self-consciously ‘alternative’
practices emerged in the margins of architecture. Expressive schemes
dressed with anti-communist symbols were commissioned by the Roman
Catholic Church in Poland and elsewhere; ‘paper architects’ throughout
the Bloc sought the re-enchantment of their profession; and flamboyant
vernacularism was being promoted by ‘Organic Architects’ in Hungary.
Such self-consciously post-modern projects often sought to align
architecture with the memory politics of the opposition. In a talk
focusing on Hungary, Poland and Romania in the 1980s, I will explore
the extent to which such critiques of architecture might constitute a
critique of illegitimate rule.

David Crowley on Royal College of Art disaini- ja kunstiajaloo
professor, kelle peamisteks huvideks on nõukogude perioodi Ida-Euroopa
arhitektuur ja disainipraktikad.


Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/378713092227390/

Loeng on tasuta ja avatud kõigile huvilistele.

Sarja järgmised loengud:

30. aprill
Griselda Pollock (University of Leeds) – Did I just dream it or was
there once a feminist revolution in art and art history? Aesthetic
reflections on the politics of memory in Art History and its futures

Kenneth Frampton (Columbia University, NY) – Five North American Architects

30. mai
Kitty Zijlmans (Universiteit Leiden) – Potatoes, Ears, Passports,
Homes. What can be the contribution of artistic research to World Art

Loengusarja toetavad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Briti Nõukogu, Ameerika
Ühendriikide Suursaatkond Tallinnas.

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