Baltic Bubble – Architects summer festival in Ventspils

Baltic Bubble – Architects summer festival 2-3rd of July, Ventspils

Celebrate Summer and International Architects’ Day in Ventspils, Latvia. The Programme includes an Architecture tour with the chief architect of the city Daiga Dzedone and an Excursion at the Vizium Science and Innovation centre by Audrius Ambrasas, complemented with an evening Festival with DJ and music at Ventspils Castle.

Early bird tickets – 30 EUR (Members 15 EUR)
Full price – 40 EUR starting 18th of June (Members 20 EUR)


Facebook event.

Event programme:
Saturday 2nd of July:

11:00 – Ventspils Architecture tour with Daiga Dzedone, chief architect of Ventspils city
14:00 – Group lunch available (10-15 EUR/pers + drinks)
17:00 – Ventspils Concert hall excursion
18:30 – Vizium Centre excursion with Audrius Ambrasas
20:00 – Festival of the International Day of Architects. Music, conversations and gathering at Ventspils castle. 

Contact person for questions
LV – +371 26368790, Andra Marta Babre –  
EE – +372 5056723, Kairi Rand –  
LT – +370 68719158, Marius Dirgela –  

This event is organized in collaboration with the Architects Association of Lithuania, Latvian Union of Architects, and the Estonian Association of Architects in collaboration with industry partners and Latvian young architects club – Atelpa.