Dr. Johan Verbeke avalik loeng “Architetcure & Research by Design”

Loengus käsitletakse teemasid, mis tegelevad kunstidoktori ja
filosoofiadoktori õpingutega.

Loeng toimub 8. märtsil kell 17.00 Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuri
osakonna saalis (Pikk 20, 3.korrus)

Loeng on inglise keeles.

Kõik huvilised on oodatud!

Johan Verbeke graduated in mathematics, worked at the department of Computer
Science of the KU Leuven (Belgium) and received his PhD. in 1991. He is
working at the School of Architecture Sint-Lucas since then. He is author of
many papers and editor of four books in the field of Computer Aided
Architectural Design. His main area is the application of digital technology
during the initial phases of the design process. Recently he also got
interested in research management issues and knowledge and creative
processes. Within Sint-Lucas he was first member of the Management Board and
responsible for the International relations and head of the CAAD Research
group. Since 2003 he became head of the School. He was involved in many
international projects (e.g. AVOCAAD, AVOCAAD-stage and AVOCAAD-MULTI under
Leonardo da Vinci, {ACCOLADE} under the Fifth Framework of Research, 3DEL
under e-Learning) and national projects (MECANO, DYNAMO), mostly as the
co-ordinator. He is one of the co-founders of the META-University
co-operation initiated by TU Eindhoven, Strathclyde University and
Sint-Lucas Architecture. He is Council member of eCAADe (Education and
Research on Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe), and is active as
scientific reviewer for many international conferences. He is also expert
evaluator and reviewer for the European Commission under Leonardo da Vinci
and the 5th Framework of Research.

EKA arhitektuuri osakond

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