EKA arhitektuurikateedri avatud loeng: Bart Lootsma / Leopold Franzens Universität

Algus: kl 19.00

Toimumiskoht: LHV panga saal (Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn)

‘More Maastricht Bean Counting’

The great European achievement of the 20th century was that architecture – as the intelligent organization and cultural expression of our society, as living, working, public and leisure spaces – came to benefit the masses. For this to be possible, politicians, architects and urban planners had to take an interest in the lives of these ordinary people. European architectural theory, too, was largely committed to this effort. Perhaps the masses as such no longer exist today. But this doesn’t mean that collective interests, collective wishes or collective threats have disappeared. In fact, it is now more important than ever for architects and urban planners to take a greater interest in the social role of their discipline, so that they are able to develop new strategies to offer to policy-makers.

What might constitute a European theory of architecture in this context? Could it once again play a role in formulating new collective interests? Would it be different from the architectural theory of other countries or of other continents? And if so, how? Are there perhaps certain traditions that European architectural theory would want to perpetuate or break away from? Are there specific values it would want to express, objectives it would want to follow? What might it have to offer us? And is it not strange that we should be concerned about this here and now, in our globalized world, of all places? When we say ‘European’, do we perhaps actually mean something different, something much more general, something we cannot find the words for?

I don’t know whether I can answer all these questions here, but I do have a few specific reasons why we should be thinking about them.


Professor Bart Lootsma is a renowned historian, critic and curator in the fields of architecture, design and the visual arts. Currently at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck, he has held numerous professorships, seminars, lectured at different academies for architecture and art in the Netherlands and abroad, also published extensively and internationally (among them “SuperDutch” in 2000). His new book “Reality Bytes” with selected essays 1995-2010 is going to be published in English and German editions by Springer in spring 2013. Bart Lootsma is co-author of “Faces & Spaces: EUROPAN 4” book on architecture and urban planning competition EUROPAN results and implementations, 2007. Bart Lootsma was guest curator of ArchiLab 2004 in Orléans and he has been an editor of de Architect, ARCHIS, ARCH+, l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Daidalos, DOMUS etc. He is reserve member of the Council for Architectural Culture at the Cabinet of the Austrian Prime Minister in Vienna and consults the German Ministry for Building and Planning.






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