EKA arhitektuurikateedri avatud loeng: Kivi Sotamaa / ADDLAB

Algus: kl 19.00

Toimumiskoht: LHV panga saal (Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn)

Spasms, Convulsions, Eruptions. Design in a World that Moves.

Kivi Sotamaa is an award winning international designer who runs Sotamaa Design together with his sister Tuuli Sotamaa. Their practice focuses on design innovation in, and in between, the fields of art, architecture & design: the office’s works range in scale from bridges and buildings to furniture, sculpture and industrial products. Additionally, Kivi is the Director of ADD LAB – Aalto Digital Design Laboratory at Aalto University, an Associate Professor at UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design. Previously he has held positions at the Ohio State University and the Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Institut für Architektur in Vienna. He holds a Masters degree from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki [TAIK] and in addition has studied at the Helsinki University of Technology and the Royal College of Art in London. Kivi Sotamaa’s creative work is widely published and exhibited. Publications featuring his work include the New York Times, Phaidon’s 10×10 Architects [1&2], New Scandinavian Design, Forum Sweden, AD, Praxis, Kenhiku Bunka, L’Arca and Domus.

“Kivi Sotamaa explores a formal vocabulary which reflects his fluid, less bounded, more organic way of working and communicating. In his work there is a resurfacing of ideas that developed earlier in 20th century by surrealist painters painters, filmakers, poets – having to do with the subconcious, having to do with dreams, water, fluidity, and the dissolution of the boundaries that reason applies to experience – with which reason tries to categorise experience. Sotamaa is developing a vocabulary which draws on and expands surrealist ideas into architecture. His work is not just about the technology, the new, the digital – but the continuity with ideas that are integral to modern art.” [New York Times Architecture Critic Herbert Muschamp]


