EKA arhitektuurikateedri avatud loeng: Srdjan Weiss

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sarjas esineb sel neljapäeval Srdjan Weiss / NAO

Loeng algab kell 19.00 ja toimub LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2).

“Inhabiting Geometry”


Visionary projects from the Western World seem all but gone. Eastern World seems to still keep idealistic visions about social design and social geometry. As an example the visionary work by Anne Tyng invested in inhabiting radical geometry has been left completely unknown. She was a devoted collaborator of Louis Kahn who has roots from Estonia. Tyng, like many of her contemporaries and women did not have a chance. Like then, also today the visions of many contemporary practices that are experimental and in dissent from the mainstream are situated as marginal. What is the role of potentially lasting visions and emerging new architectural practices vis-a-vis emerging democracies? This lecture will aim to give some clues on this topic, exchange some of the relevant research projects by the School of Missing Studies, design projects by NAO, and have an active discussion with the audience.


Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss is chief designer at his practice NAO [Normal Architecture Office], which is a think tank and collaborative office for architecture, curating and urbanism. He is currently also Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University AAP, Department of Architecture in New York City. He was educated at Harvard University studying with Rem Koolhaas, Jacques Herzog and Richard Gluckmanand has design experiences from Herzog & de Meuron Architects in Basel, Gluckman Mayner Architects in New York and from collaborations with artists Jenny Holzer, Robert Wilson and Marjetica Potrc. He has previously taught at Harvard GSD, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Parsons School of Design, Pratt Institute and Tyler School of Art, Temple University.
