USA turule sisenemise webinar

EASi ja New Yorgi Eesti konsulaat korraldavad tunnise webinari arhitektidele teemal:

Entering the US Architectural Market from Estonia

6 October,2021 @ 4pm EEST

Registration Link:


The US market holds many opportunities for talented architects coming from Estonia. Accessing the US market is not always so straightforward, however. With 50 different states and several different paths to entry, it can be an overwhelming market to navigate or even contemplate entering. 

Join us on 6th October at 4pm EEST for a special 1-hour webinar dedicated to US market entry for Estonian architects. To begin, Patricia Ramallo, the Innovation Lead for the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) in the United States, will be providing an overview of the different paths to licensure available for Estonian architects entering the US. 

This informative and detailed overview will be followed by a round-table discussion between American architects who have worked with international partners in the past, addressing the personal component of making international partnerships work in the US and sharing their best advice on local market strategy, finding new opportunities, and positioning yourself to be competitive. 

Attendance is free, but registration is required:

Bring your questions! There will be time for Q&A at the end.

!! Can’t make it? Register anyway! All those who registered will receive an automatic replay link of the event for later watching.

This free event is organized by Enterprise Estonia and the Consulate General of Estonia in New York.