13.04.07 prof.Panu Lehtovuori avalik loeng EKAs

Reedel,13.aprillil kell 14.00
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia aulas
prof.Panu Lehtovuori avalik loeng teemal


Informational City

The lecture discusses Manuel Castells’, Stephen Graham’s and Simon Marvin’s theoretical explanations concerning the effects of information technologies in cities and regions. It also valorises recent empirical findings about patterns of housing and work, which partly are related to the informational turn, as well as planning projects aiming at benefiting from or redirecting these forces. Cases to the point are Helsinki region’s "Masterplan of innovation" and local projects in Suurpelto (Espoo) and Eastern Waterfront (Helsinki).

The lecture is part of the Recent Trends in Urban Process course.


EKA Arh.teaduskond