23.05. prof. Mary McLeod’i avalik loeng EKAs

23.05. prof. Mary McLeod’i avalik loeng EKAs


17. mail, 2007

*Tuntud ameerika arhitektuuriteadlase prof. Mary McLeod’i avalik loeng* *United States as an Epicenter of Postmodernism*

23. mail kell 16:00 saab kuulata Eesti Kunstiakadeemias, Tartu mnt. 1, auditooriumis 201 tuntud USA arhitektuuriteadlase avalikku loengut.

Kuna ameerika postmodernismil oli eesti 1970. aastate arhitektuurile täiesti revolutsiooniline mõju, siis on põnev teada saada, kuidas tänapäeva arhitektuuriteadus sellele perioodile USAs tagasi vaatab. Mary McLeod, kes ise toona töötas Michael Graves’i büroos, arutleb kuidas kriitiline diskursus muutus elujõuliselt rahvalikuks, kuidas avangard kaubastati ja muudeti konservatiivse maailmavaate osaks.

Mary McLeod is a professor of architecture at Columbia University, where she teaches architecture history and theory, and occasionally studio.
She has also taught at Harvard University, University of Kentucky, University of Miami, and the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. She received her B.A., M.Arch., and Ph.D. from Princeton University. Her research and publications have focused on the history of the modern movement and on contemporary architecture theory, examining issues concerning the connections between architecture and ideology. She is co-editor of Architecture, Criticism, Ideology and Architecture Reproduction, and is the editor of and contributor to the book Charlotte
Perriand: An Art of Living (Abrams, 2003). Her articles have appeared in Assemblage, Oppositions, Art Journal, AA Files, JSAH, Casabella, Art Journal, and Lotus as well as other journals and anthologies, such as The Sex of Architecture, Architecture in Fashion, Architecture of the Everyday, Architecture and Feminism, The Pragmatist Imagination, The State of Architecture, and Fragments: Architecture and the Unfinished.
She has received numerous fellowships and awards, including a Fulbright Fellowship, NEH award, and grants from New York Council of the Arts and the Graham Foundation. She currently serves as a board member for the Buell Foundation for the Study of American architecture, and has previously served on the boards of the Society of Architectural Historians and The Architectural League of New York. She initiated and helped curate the exhibition Charlotte Perriand: Interior Equipment, held at the Urban Center in New York.

Mary McLeod viibib Eestis KTI doktoriõppe kutsel ja tänu Kultuurkapitali toetusele


Professor Mart Kalm
Kunstiteaduse Instituudi juhataja
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
Tartu mnt. 1, 10145
GSM +3725136274
ph +3726267325

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