Arhitektuurivõistlus hoonekompleksile Poolas

The competition is for the architectural project of a new multi-building complex at Baltic Park Molo in Swinoujscie, Poland. The contest is open for both local and foreign architects.

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The competition is for the architectural project of a new multi-building complex at Baltic Park Molo in Swinoujscie, Poland. The contest is open for both local and foreign architects.


Zdrojowa Invest LTD in cooperation with the Polish Association of Architects (SARP).


The Baltic Park Molo is planned to be build on plot of 2,5 ha in Swinoujscie, Poland, in the area between the Baltic Sea and the main city promenade. Swinoujscie is a tourist city with about 40 thousands citizens.

Design challenge:

The aim of the competition is to find high-quality and contemporary architecture for the new buildings, which compliment the cityscape of Swinoujscie. The submitted entry should represent the developer’s aspirations for the complex as a world class sea resort. The complex having a net area of about 50,000 square meters, will consist primarily of 2 hotels (13 and 8 storey) and at least 1 or 2 luxury apartment buildings. The buildings should provide state of the art conference, wellness & SPA, shopping, cinema, art gallery and rooms with a sea view. The project should also include the pier which will crown the promenade. The creative ideas should focus on flexibility, connectivity, accessibility and sustainability. The buildings must also be ecologically efficient as well as technologically and economically feasible.

Competition schedule:

• Competition announcement: 19 January 2012.

• Deadline for submitting applications to participate in the competition: 7 February 2012; 16.00 pm.

• Deadline for notification of admission to the competition: 14 February 2012.

• Deadline for questions and motions concerning the competition: 6 March 2012; 16.00 pm.

• Deadline for submission of projects: 12 April 2012; 16.00 pm.

• The final announcement of the winning projects: 26 April 2012; 12.00.

• Exhibition: from 27 April 2012 until 11 May 2012.

• Discussion following the competition: 9 May 2012; 12:00.

• The exhibition of entries and post-competition discussion will be held at the headquarters of the Warsaw Branch of SARP, ul. Foksal 2 in Warsaw.


An independent jury of 7 respected professionals (including 3 members of SARP) will select winners. There will be a _rst, second and third prize (40,000 PLN, 25,000 PLN, and 15,000 PLN, respectively) awarded.

Architects are invited to submit projects to be considered for the competition directly to the Polish Association of Architects (SARP):

Oddział Warszawski SARP

ul. Foksal 2

00-950 Warszawa,

Phone: + 48 (22) 82 67 439

Fax: +48 (22) 826 74 56



Submissions shall be made in Polish

For more information about the competition, go to:

For more information about the developer, go to:

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12.04.2012 18:00
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