Avalik eelkvalifitseerimisega võistlus kunstnike kommuunile Venemaal

The non-profit organization for architects, designers, artists and the performing arts “ArchPolis” invites architects and designers for an open first stage qualifying round to design an Artist Residence Community in Nikola Lenivets.

(Võistluse venekeelne tutvustus)

NB! Taotluste esitamise tähtaeg 9. juuli 2012!

Design Competition for an Artist Residence Community.


The non-profit organization for architects, designers, artists and the performing arts “ArchPolis” invites architects and designers for an open first stage qualifying round to design an Artist Residence Community in Nikola Lenivets.

 Project mission: The creation of a natural and cultural environment for living and the arts.

 Project objectives:

1. The conceptual design for a community of artist residence.

2. The creation of a functional zoning concept of the art community.

3. The creation of a conceptual plan in accordance with the functional zoning of the art community

4. Schematic design of the proposed project.

                Project description:


 I. Nikola-Lenivets location:

Nikola-Lenivets is located in the Central part of Russia, 200 km southwest of Moscow and 70 km northwest of Kaluga. The nearest town is Kondrovo (32 km to the east). The territory unites three villages: Nikola-Lenivets, Zvizzhi and Koltsovo. Part of Ugra National Park is included in the Nikola-Lenivets territories.

II. Project information:

Key principles of the project are the combination of traditions and innovations, cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach, involvement of local people and communities, harmony with nature. This approach began to develop in the early 90s as the lifestyle and joint creative work of the first residents were drawn to the territory by its pioneer, the architect Vasily Schetinin.

This place became well known thanks to the projects of Nikolay Polissky. Since 2000 he has been creating land art items out of local materials (snow, hay, vine, wood) with the assistance of locals.

Since 2006 a festival of landscape items named “Archstoyanie” has been held in Nikola-Lenivets. The festival was initiated by Nikolay Polissky and is organized by the joint efforts of the established community.

Over the last six years such architects and artists such as; Alexander Brodsky, Anton Nadtochny, Vera Budtko, Adrian Geize, Yury Grigoryan, Igor Ioganson, Alexander Konstantinov, Anton Kochurkin, Oscar Madera, Alexander Malygin, Sergey Orlov, Marina Perchikhina, Vasily Schetinin, Vyacheslav Koleychuk, Oleg Kulik, Totan Kuzenbaev, Vlad Savinkin, Vladimir Kuzmin, Timur Bashkaev, Fransua Roshe, Sami Rintala, Vladimir Plotkin and others have implemented their projects at Nikola-Lenivets.


The Nikola-Lenivets park unites several functional zones:

•             Art residences

•             Summer camping

•             Park of art items and festivals (open air exhibitions and shows)

•             Exhibition areas, information center

•             Grounds for experimental landscape projects

•             Representative office of Russian national parks

•             Historical geological park area

•             Human settlements (village of Nikola-Lenivets, Zvizzhi, Koltsovo)

•             Production workshops, technical area

•             Farm.


1. Art residences (113 ha)

  This zone is intended for creative residence program participant living spaces.

 The following must be located on the territory of the Art Residences:

•             Residential estates for residents and guests

•             Pre-school institution

•             Pavilion – public area

•             Houses for families

•             One-person houses

•             Services


2. Summer camping (5 ha)

This zone is intended for public events for the residents of the of the Park’s program. The heart of the project is the central pavilion equipped for exhibitions and group meetings for 100-150 persons, a café bar and kitchen for communal cooking. In the zone there is a pond with a walking area and a beach. 10-20 houses are to be built on the territory for invited guests. In the summer, the camping grounds can accommodate up to 200 tents for residents’ guests and tourists. This zone is provided with all the necessary infrastructure including showers rooms, toilets, a bath house etc.


 3. Park of art artifacts and festivals (open air exposition) (91 ha)

This zone is intended for various artifacts of art installations and landscape design. The area may be the location of tent camps for participants and guests of mass events (2,000 to 5,000 people) in the summer; the stage and summer cafes, benches. A detailed arrangement of art items is displayed on a separate scheme.


4. Exhibition Area, Information Center (6 ha)

This zone is intended for an information and media center for the park. It will also be the location of workshops for residents and will be equipped so works of metal, wood, glass, clay etc may be produced. The area will also be used for research, publishing; master classes and art exhibitions in the workshop pavilion.


5. Grounds for experimental landscape projects (182 ha)

This zone is planned to be expanded for the construction of monuments and landscape design projects, landscape workshops and the study of the environment.


6. Representative of the office of Russian National Parks (13 ha)

This zone is intended for a 200-room hotel and a health center with accommodation for 100 persons. Ecotourism, excursions and environmental immersion in the area will be developed jointly with the Ugra National Park.


7. Historic Geological Area (9 ha)

A recreational zone with a beach and related infrastructure. An ancient settlement and a burial mound are supposed to have been located in this area. Archeological excavations are possible.


8. Human settlements (village of Nikola-Lenivets, Zvizzhi, Koltsovo)

Village of Nikola-Lenivets

Village of Zvizzhi

Village of Koltsovo


9. Production workshops, technical area (83 ha)

This zone is intended for a complex of production Workshops.


10. Farm (15 ha)

A farm for supplying the area with food and possible product export. It is envisioned that the residents living in the area will cultivate kitchen gardens and manage livestock together with farmers. Master classes in cooking, livestock management and garden work will be held.



It is planned that the residents and guests will move around in the territory on foot and using environmentally friendly vehicles: electric cars, bicycles, horses, carts and more.


III. Key areas of activity in 2012 are as follows:

1. Development of base infrastructure.

2. Implementation of pilot program of the Art Residence.

3. Organization of research, educational and project sessions in the area dedicated to development of models of a sustainable natural and cultural environment for life and the arts.

4. Summer campings

5. Implementation of Public Art, Land art, Socio-Cultural projects.



■ John the Baptist night (July 7-8)

■ Archstoyanie festival (July 27- 28)

■ Children’s summer camp (July 1 – July 27)

Contest stages:


Stage 1: May 28 – July 9, 2012.

Application period for participation in the contest. Interviews with participants.


The application must attach a portfolio and an essay (no more than 1,800 characters in MS Word format) explaining the participant`s interest in the development of Nikola-Lenivets project.

Portfolio assessment criteria:


•Experience in the development of small settlements and parks;

•Experience in application of eco-technology and work with natural materials;

•Experience in research and educational work related to study of art residences, ecological and agricultural tourist settlements;



Stage 2: July 9– July 16, 2012. Selection of fifteen winners.

Festival “Archstoyanie” July 26-29, 2012.

Exhibition of portfolios of the winners of the qualifying stage. Round Table.


Stage 3: July 17 – September 29, 2012.

Development of the territory concepts and schematic designs (see Terms of Reference for development of concept of art residence community) (113 ha).


Work sessions:

August 1, 2012

September 1, 2012


Stage 4: September 29 – October 10, 2012. Work of the jury.

Selection of winners.

Prize fund


Prize money for selected participants of the competition: RUB 100,000.


Prize pool for winner of the fourth stage:

•             First place – RUB 500,000

•             Second place – RUB 400,000

•             Third place – RUB 300,000

Organizers have the right to use publication materials sent by the participants and reserve  copyright.

The members of the jury will be further announced.



Address for portfolios and applications:

contest coordinators:


Alex Stolyarik, Tatyana Zolotaykina

Tel. +7 (925) 090 45 51


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09.07.2012 00:00