Göteborgi ülikooli äri-, majandus- ja juurateaduskonna hoone eelkvalifitseerimisega võistlus
Akademiska Hus Region Väst hereby invites submissions to a project competition for the design of a new university building for the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. The competition is being organised in consultation with the City of Göteborg, the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Association of Architects.
Võistluse info: http://www.arkitekt.se/s81879/f17441
Akademiska Hus Region Väst hereby invites submissions to a project competition for the design of a new university building for the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. The competition is being organised in consultation with the City of Göteborg, the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Association of Architects.
Aim and Common Vision
The objective of the competition is to generate a proposal for the design of a new university building with an integrated station entrance for Västlänken Station Haga. The building must meet the needs of the activities, be well designed and have good functionality. It must also have a clear identity that adds a new dimension to its urban context.
Form of the competition
The competition is a project competition with invited participants, preceded by open prequalification in which four to six competitors are selected to participate in the competition. Only these participants are entitled to submit competition proposals. The participants desired are firms of architects with well documented expertise and experience relevant to the assignment. Relatively inexperienced architects with proven good design ability are also welcome to declare their interest.
Competition timetable
Invitation to prequalify, 02/06/2014
Deadline for prequalification questions, 01/07/2014
Submission of declaration of interest, 22/08/2014
Announcement of results of prequalification, 01/10/2014
Project competition startup meeting, 15/10/2014
Deadline for competition questions, 15/12/2014
Submission of competition proposals, 30/01/2015
Announcement of jury’s decision, 31/03/2015