Helsinki Keskraamatukogu avatud rahvusvaheline võistlus

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võistluse info (soome keeles saadaval siin):


Competition format

The competition is being arranged as an open two-stage international architectural competition. Those persons interested in participating must register on the registration form via the competition webpage (link).

From the entries submitted in Stage 1 the jury will select 6-8 entries that they have judged the best for further development in Stage 2.

(If Stage 1 produces a proposal that stands out clearly as the best one amongst all the entries such that it would not be appropriate to arrange Stage 2, the jury can decide that Stage 2 will not be held).

Competition schedule

The competition period for Stage 1 is 5.1.2012 – 16.4.2012.

The contact person of the design teams selected to participate in Stage 2 of the competition will be contacted in approximately September 2012. These design teams will be asked to submit complementary documents to demonstrate fulfilment of the eligibility requirements for Stage 2.

The jury will announce on the competition website the proposals selected to participate in Stage 2 as well as the further planning guidelines for them in approximately September/October 2012.

Immediately after this begins the 3-4 month period of Stage 2 of the competition for those selected to participate.

The jury aims to decide on the results of Stage 2 of the competition by spring 2013, so that the competition results can be announced in June 2013.

Competition languages

The competition documentation is available in Finnish and English. The Finnish language documentation is the original and takes precedence over the English translation.

A competition introductory seminar as well as the answers to questions regarding the competition will be given in English.

The documents concerning competition registration as well as texts in the competition proposals must be written in either Finnish or English.


Each design team selected to participate in Stage 2 that submits a proposal in accordance with the competition programme and the further development guidelines approved by the jury will be paid 25.000 €.

In addition there shall be awarded:

1st Prize 50.000 €

2nd Prize 37.500 €

3rd Prize 25.000 €

The prizes (in total 262.500 – 312.500 €) will be awarded following the resolution of Stage 2 of the competition. If the jury decides that Stage 2 of the competition shall not be held, the above mentioned 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes (in total 112.500 €) will be awarded following the announcement of the results of Stage 1 of the competition.

The jury may unanimously decide to divide the prize money differently, as in accordance with the SAFA competition rules. Additionally, the jury may, if they so wish, award honorary mentions.

Assessing the competition entries

The assessment is carried out by a jury comprised of the following persons:

City of Helsinki representatives:

Tuula Haatainen, Deputy mayor (Chairperson)

Maija Berndtson, Library director, Helsinki City Library

Tuomas Rajajärvi, Head of Helsinki City Planning Department

Irmeli Grundström, Project head, City of Helsinki Real Estate Department

Jarek Kurnitski, Chief researcher, Sitra Energy Programme

Tuuli Mattelmäki, PhD, Senior researcher, Industrial design, Aalto University (service design expert)

Mauri Ylä-Kotola, PhD, Rector/Professor University of Lapland

Ministry of Education and Culture representative:

− Riitta Kaivosoja, Director General

Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) nominated representatives:

− Käpy Paavilainen, architect SAFA

− Vesa Oiva, architect SAFA

Architect Kjetil T. Thorsen (director of Snøhetta architects, Norway), as well as library expert Rolf Hapel (Director of Citizens’ Services and Libraries, City Of Aarhus, Denmark) have been appointed as the international experts outside the jury. Additionally the jury will ask for opinions of at least a costs expert (size and costs comparisons) and if necessary technical experts (energy and material efficiency, technical feasibility, fire performance issues, and acoustics). The jury has the right also to use other external experts when assessing the proposals. The external experts do not participate in the decision making.

The jury will appoint a preparatory working group comprising both jury members and external experts.

At the beginning of the assessment of each competition stage the competition proposals will be put on public display, and at Stage 2 of the competition also on the competition webpage. At least during the Stage 2 exhibition, the general public will be offered the opportunity to comment on the proposals. Public feedback and discussion will be summarised and made available to the jury.

The secretariat of the jury comprises senior planner Hanna Aaltonen (Helsinki City Library), head of project design Kimmo Tähtinen (City of Helsinki Planning Department), and project development expert and architect Päivi Etelämäki (Pöyry Finland Oy). The secretaries do not participate in the competition evaluation.

Oluline info

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16.04.2012 00:00