HYP Cup 2013 International Student Competition

Võistluse kodulehekülg: http://hypcup2013.uedmagazine.net/Eg_index.php?author=2


Theme of the Competition

Topic:Architecture in Transformations
Sub -Topic: The Disappearance of Architecture

Purpose of the Competition

Architecture must disappear.
Behind the radicalism of this statement lies something crucial for the future of architecture. Architecture as a discipline should no longer think in terms of objects. Walls, facades, structures, are only modalities of architecture, but never its finality. Design comes after. After what? After situations. Architects deal with situations.
Architecture should be conceived as an integral part of the landscape. Glass, concrete or metal would in this case no longer be the elements that build architecture, but the territory as it exists, as we relate to it.
One of the commitments of an architect is to overwhelm the observable escalation in the production of contemporary architecture by introducing new situations, dialectic situations and experiences, between inside and outside, free and available spaces in-between what is public and what is private.
Sometimes, we make architecture disappear. We make it melt within the territory, blurring the lines between architecture and landscape, between physicality and immateriality, between presence and absence.

Scheduled Dates and Deadlines

Registration Start Time:February 20,2013
Deadline for Registration: June 30, 2013
Deadline for Entry Submission: August 15, 2013
Announcement of Winners: September 2013
Question and Answer Time: February 20, 2013 – July 15, 2013

Requirements of the Competition

1.Participants can draw up the project proposal themselves and there is no limitation on architectural types. Designers of the project should take into account the features of contemporary urban architecture and pay attention to specific space needs of different user groups.
2.Participants can choose sites themselves. The site should be challenging and with distinct urban characteristics.
3.Total floor area is around 4,000㎡. It may be increased or decreased up to around 10% according to the designer.
4.Language and Measurement Unit: English is the official language of the competition. (Note: The title, school name, name of participants, and introduction of major design must be described in English at least); the unit of measurement is metric scale.

Regulations of the Competition:

1.Personal participants and groups must agree and follow the competition regulations announced.
2.Any words or pictures relating to the name or department of participants are not allowed in the digital drawings. Anyone who does not conform to the regulations is disqualified from the competition.
3.Participants hold the copyright of the entry, but competition organizers and investment units are entitled to other copyright rights other than the authorship of the entries.
4.Works that have entered other competitions, adopted design ideas of others or been published in other public occasions are disqualified for the competition.

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15.08.2013 00:00