International Ideas Competition for the redesign of Bonn Square in the heart of Oxford City centre

Oxford City Council with its partners, the West End Steering Group, invites submissions from artists, urban designers, landscape architects, architects and town planners for the redesign of Bonn Square in the heart of Oxford City centre. Students of the same disciplines are also encouraged to take part.

The objective of the competition is to transform Bonn Square, an historic city square, which has a fractured spatial character and low overall quality, into a high quality contemporary city square. The winning design should respond to the City Council’s vision for Bonn Square as a dynamic, inspirational city square which people will love and use at the hub of the revitalised West End of the city centre. The Council asks Designers to be courageous in their thinking, be aware of the opportunities afforded by the enhanced role of Bonn Square in the city’s west end, and respect its setting within the central (city and university) conservation area.

To meet the Council’s vision for Bonn Square, the design will be required not only to improve the physical appearance of the square, but also to assist in resolving social problems and the many competing demands on the square that have been evident over many years. In addition, a range of new features will need to be incorporated to bring the square up to contemporary standards and to enhance its role in the City’s public realm.

Art should be integral to the design of Bonn Square. Competitors are encouraged to be innovative in how they incorporate the work of artists within the proposed scheme, and no prescription is given in the brief on media or the method of working. Consideration should be given to how the users of the square will be engaged in the development stages of the work.

In evaluating submissions the judges will consider whether the Council’s vision for Bonn Square will be met. Specifically:

.. whether a dynamic and inspirational open space will be created;

.. whether accessibility and circulation within and around the square will be improved;

.. whether the relationship of the square to its immediate surroundings will be enhanced;

.. whether the scheme can be justified in terms laid down in the Conservation Statement and in conservation legislation;

.. whether the potential for conflict and antisocial behaviour will be reduced;

.. whether sustainability and maintenance has been taken into account; and

.. whether the scheme is financially realistic.

A shortlist of up to 6 schemes will be selected from the open first stage and the authors of these schemes invited to present their work to a Jury Panel. An honoraria of £2000 (approx. 2800 Euros) will be paid to each team reaching this stage of the process with £5000 (approx. 7000 Euros) paid to the winning team. In advance of teams presenting their work to the Jury Panel an anonymous public exhibition of the shortlisted schemes will be held.

The deadline for the submission of design ideas is Tuesday 26th April.


The competition is open internationally to architects, artists, urban designers, landscape architects, and town planners and students of these disciplines. Collaboration between these disciplines is actively encouraged.

How to Register

To register and receive the competition brief send a cheque for £35.00 (professionals), £7.50 (students) payable to RIBA Competitions. The registration fee is inclusive of VAT.


All enquiries should be addressed to the competition organisers:

RIBA Competitions Office

6 Melbourne Street

Leeds LS2 7PS

T : 0113 2341335

F : 0113 2460744

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