Kaliningradi keskosa planeerimise avatud võistlus

The first stage (qualifying) of the competition is aimed for selection of a short list of tender Participants, and it's conducted for the purpose of determining the qualification of competition Participants: 28th of January 2014 – 14th of April 2014.


of the open international competition for architectural and city planning concept of area development in the historical center of Kaliningrad  

(Korolevskaya gora and its locality)


Noncommercial partnership ‘City-Planning Bureau ‘The Heart of the City’ under instructions of the Government of Kaliningrad region and in association with the administration of municipal entity ‘Urban district ‘The city of Kaliningrad’ announces an open International architectural and city-planning competitive tender for the Concept of area development in the historical center of Kaliningrad (Korolevskaya mountain and its locality)  

Competition aims and objective is to provide a rational urban, city-planning, and extensive tridimensional solution for the area of former Korolevskaya gora and its locality (the area of 56 ha within the boundaries of Novaya Pregolya riverfront, Zarayskaya str., Shevchenko str., Klinicheskaya str., Proletarskaya str., Sergejeva str., Universitetskaya str., Zhitomirskaya str., V. Hugo str.);

Competition duration:

The first stage (qualifying) of the competition is aimed for selection of a short list of tender Participants, and it’s conducted for the purpose of determining the qualification of competition Participants: 28th of January 2014 – 14th of April 2014.

The second stage: presentation of competition projects, their discussion, summarizing results of the competition: 15th of April 2014 – 7th of November 2014.

The conditions for participation in the competition, terms of applications submission, and documents regulating the competition process are available at the competition website: www.tuwangste.ru,  and also at the Steering Committee from the responsible secretary Skvortsov Oleg Sergejevich by phone +79673533324 and by e-mail:

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14.04.2014 00:00