Ljubljana rahvus- ja ülikooli raamatukogu avatud konkurss

Järgnev info pärineb võistluse kodulehelt: http://www.zaps.si/index.php?m_id=21&m_name=NATECAJI⟨=2



Additional completition of material N’2, 6. January 2012 marked with letter G.

We inform the competitors that the Annexes to the Conservation Plan are published in:
G1_NUKII_ Conservation_plan _Annex

Amendments and additional completition of material N’1, 29.December 2011 marked with letter F.

We inform the competitors that the competition Committee has extended the date for the Submission of Competition Entries until 23.03.2012, and all the other terms change accordingly. The deadline for submission of questions concerning content is prolonged until 13.01.2012. (The changed time schedule is published in section F_1_New time schedule NUK II)

Please take notice of amended graphic part F_2_NUKII_Surveying_Map. It is amended as follows:
– on the west side the arcade passage along Slovenska street is added, new building line is reduced for the width of Plot no. 287/2;
– in the middle of the site, the possible part of new building NUK II is reduced, above the level of the archeological site on the south part of the Plot no.304;
– on the east side the competition area is extended to the East side of Emonska street.
Enclosures to the Conservation Plan will be published after New Year holidays.

Amendments consist of:
F1_NUKII_New time schedule NUKII (to be changed in A_B_NUKII_Competition_Rules)
F2_NUKII_Surveying_Map (substitutes the D1_NUKII_Surveying_Map)
F3_NUKII_Information_for_3DModel (substitutes the D3_ Information_for_3DModel)

The materials D1 and D3 which were substituted are therefore removed from publication.

Contracting Authority:
Ministry of higher education, science and technology
Submission of Competition Entries: 23.03.2012

A public, project, open, anonymous, single-stage, architectural design competition for the selection of the most appropriate expert solution for the “National and university library NUK II”.

Information on awards and reimbursement:
1st prize EUR 36 000.00
2nd prize EUR 23 000.00
3rd prize EUR 14 000.00
honourable mentions (3) each EUR 6 200.00
reimbursement, each EUR 2 000.00

Those Competitors who have, in compliance with the Competition Rules and Competition Assignment, prepared the Competition Entry and have, in the opinion of the Evaluation Committee, reached the required level of performance without receiving any award or honourable mention shall be entitled to reimbursement in the amount stated. In the event that more than 23 Competition Entries are entitled to reimbursement, each reimbursement amount shall be reduced as appropriate. All of the aforementioned amounts are stated in their gross values.

Competition Documentation:
The take-over of the Competition Documentation is free of charge. The Competition Documentation may be accessed at: www.zaps.si after the request for access to the documentation has been sent to natecaji@zaps.si.

Subject to competition:
The construction of NUK II on the location of the new building must implement the common objective of urban planning, cultural heritage protection and archaeology, and therefore provide a contemporary urban space of high quality, reflecting recognisable local and historical characteristics. The NUK II project is located in the southern part of Ljubljana city centre, between Slovenska, Zoisova and Emonska ulica and Rimska cesta.

As a library, NUK develops its central role in a rapidly changing world of information and responds to the increased volume of information and to the changing expectations of people regarding access to information. The task of NUK is to provide a maximally comfortable and simple physical and online access to printed and electronic materials from its own collection and from collections of other providers. NUK will provide all necessary conditions for the responsible implementation of its central tasks – the keeping, conservation and protection of Slovenian written heritage for the future – which refers both to the storage facilities and to the digital archive with backups. The building of NUK II must be designed as a space intended for people as well as different important activities carried out in this space: studying, learning, the interaction and exchange of ideas, the examination of library collections, the acquisition of information and the application of computer technology.

The architecture of the new NUK II must reflect the period of construction and thus express the autonomy of architecture without attempting to exceed the spatial context by design and dimensions. The presentation of archaeological remains of Roman Emona on the location of NUK II will constitute an interesting enrichment of the library programme and a special challenge for seeking connections between the construction and literary heritage. The open, external space in front of the new library must be designed as a representative public space intended for resting, waiting and relaxing.

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23.03.2012 00:00