Lütseumi ja hotelli konkurss Vilniuses
Architects Association of Lithuania (Organizer) and UAB „Orkela“ (Contractor) announces an open, anonymous, single-stage, international architectural competition for a Lyceum and hotel featuring a conference centre in Vasario 16-osios St. 1, Vilnius.
Architects Association of Lithuania (Organizer) and UAB „Orkela“ (Contractor) announces an open, anonymous, single-stage, international architectural competition for a Lyceum and hotel featuring a conference centre in Vasario 16-osios St. 1, Vilnius.
The aim of the competition: to select the best architectural solution for the complex in Vasario 16-osios St. 1, Vilnius.
1st Prize- 12 000 Eur
2nd Prize – 10 000 Eur
3rd Prize – 8 000 Eur
The first prize winner will be invited to a negotiation with the Contractor for a design contract.
Registration: please send a request to register to: . The registration will start on 14th of December 2019 and end until the day of submission (28th of February 2019).
Upon registration, the participants shall provide an email address to which all the further communication would be sent: access to the Competition Brief, Annexes, a relevant information about the Competition and Answers to the Questions of the participants.
Note: when submitting an email for communication, a Participant must ensure that the email address doesn’t disclose any personal data of the Participant.
The exhibition: 4th of March 2019 – 20th of March 2019
The Jury session: 13th of March 2019.
Announcement of the winner: 15th of March 2019.
Contact person (Competition Coordinator): Andrius Bakšys .
The entries should be submitted until 28th of February 2019, 15:00 (Lithuanian time) to the address: Architects Association of Lithuania, Kalvarijų g. 1, LT-09310 Vilnius, Lithuania.