Moskva kahe metroojaama arhitektuurivõistlused

This is an open, national, two-stage competition. Participation is open to designers and architects with experience in the drawing up of design documentation for the interiors of multifunctional public spaces.

Võistluse kodulehekülg.


This is an open, national, two-stage competition. Participation is open to designers and architects with experience in the drawing up of design documentation for the interiors of multifunctional public spaces.

This is a two-stage competition. Participation is open to designers and architects with experience in design documentation for the interiors of multifunctional public spaces.

The competition is national but foreign architects and designers are also accepted.

Depending upon the quality of the sketches submitted, the Jury reserves the right to vary the number of participants for either stage, to range from three to seven. In the second stage, the Jury will select a single winner for each station.

The prize fund for the Competition stands at 3,890,000 rubles (including VAT) and is to be divided between the 10 Participants who pass through to the second stage of the Competition.

Each of the two winners will be invited to settle a contract for the implementation of their architectural and design concept to a sum no larger than 3 500 000 rubles.

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31.07.2014 00:00