Pilvelõhkuja konkurss Kuala Lumpuris

1 Malaysia Development Berhad Real Estate Sdn Bhd launches a call for candidaturesopen to architects worldwide with a view to participation in an international competition forthe design of a signature tower in Kuala Lumpur International Financial District. Thecompetition is organised by the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) with the supportof the International Union of Architects.


1 Malaysia Development Berhad Real Estate Sdn Bhd launches a call for candidatures
open to architects worldwide with a view to participation in an international competition for
the design of a signature tower in Kuala Lumpur International Financial District. The
competition is organised by the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) with the support
of the International Union of Architects.


Candidatures may be submitted by architects or teams led by an architect, worldwide,
until 22 March 2012.

The selection criteria are the following:
. Organization capability statement
. Qualifications of key personnel and team organization
. Experience of firm or firms in collaboration
. The pertinence of references: similar related past and current projects, especially on
Signature / Iconic Towers
. International and national winning projects and awards received.

The competition language is English. The registration fee for submitting a candidature is
300 Malaysia Ringgits (100 US $)


The organisers will select a minimum of 12 teams to participate in the international
competition. The selected teams will be announced on 5 April 2012. The deadline for
submitting entries is 24 May 2012. The selected teams will receive a fee of
25 000 US $ on submission of a bona fide entry.

An international jury composed of 7 members, of which 4 will be architects and 4 of non-
Malaysian nationality, will meet from 28 to 29 May 2012. The jury will select 5 winning
teams, each of which will be awarded 50 000 US $.

The competition promoter may invite the winners to present their projects in person with a
view to selecting the team that will realise the project.

Information registration and submission


Media Contact
Catherine Hayward, UIA Communication Officer

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24.05.2012 00:00