Rahvusvaheline arhitektuurivõistlus – büroomaastik Haagis

Euroopa Patendi Organisatsioon (EPO) kuulutab välja rahvusvahelise
arhitektuurivõistluse Euroopa Patendiameti hoone(te)le projekti saamiseks. Võistlusprojekt sisaldab Rijswijikis, Haagi lähedal ca 100000 m2-suurusel territooriumil asuvate majade asendamist kontoritega, milles on ca 600 töö- ja abiruumi.
Osavõtust tuleb teatada 8. märtsiks 2004.

The international project competition for the european patent office:

The European Patent Organisation (EPO), represented by the European
Patent Office, Munich, Germany. Coordination of the procedure: [phase
eins], Berlin

Project content:
It is intended to replace some of the buildings at the existing site in
Rijswijk, near The Hague, with a new structure of approx. 100,000 sqm in
gross area housing the offices of approx. 1,600 staff and ancillary

The competition will be conducted in two stages, the second stage to be
conducted cooperatively. During the first stage with approx. 50
competitors, the competition is anonymous, while in the second stage
with approx. 12 competitors anonymity will be lifted. The two-stage
competition will be preceded by an international open pre-qualification

Prizes and fees:
The total amount of fees and prizes is 514.000 Euro in the event of 12
participants in stage 3. Every second-stage participant submitting an
entry that can be examined will receive a fee of Euro 20,000 and, on
request, the travel expenses of two persons attending the second-stage
participants’ colloquium will be reimbursed according to
EPO-regulations. In addition, a total net amount of Euro 274,000 is
available for prizes.

Deadline for application March 8, 2004
Stage 1: April 5, 2004 to May 10, 2004
Stage 2: August 6, 2004 to October 4, 2004

Application and inquiries:
All further information, an online forum for asking and answering any
questions, and the online registration form can be found on the
competition¹s trilingual homepage.



Birgit Pfisterer
Cuxhavener Str. 12-13
10555 Berlin
Tel. +49-(0)30-31.59.31-0
Fax. +49-(0)30-31.21.000




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