Rahvusvaheline maa-arhitektuuri konkurss Lõuna-Koreas

The competition is set in a Korean village and seeks solutions for the reconstitution of residential facilities, the rehabilitation of older buildings and the insertion of new constructions. It focuses on the former warehouses of Nonghyup and former children’s centers in Sari-Myeon, Goesan-Gun Chungcheongbuk-Do.



The Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has launched an international ideas competition open to
architects from around the world. The competition is in conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations and has
received the endorsement of the International Union of Architects (UIA).

Industrialisation and massive urbanization have prompted an exodus from the countryside to the cities, resulting in
an aging population, a loss of vitality and deterioration in quality of life in rural communities. The objective of the
competition is to propose solutions to the problems encountered by rural communities all over the world, using the
Korean example.

The competition is set in a Korean village and seeks solutions for the reconstitution of residential facilities, the
rehabilitation of older buildings and the insertion of new constructions. It focuses on the former warehouses of
Nonghyup and former children’s centers in Sari-Myeon, Goesan-Gun Chungcheongbuk-Do. The future ‘Junior-Senior
Center’ should be envisioned as a space for exchange, where connections can be established between generations.
The participants must take into account the regional characteristics, local architectural features while promoting
rural sustainable development.


31 July 2015: deadline for registration

21 August 2015: deadline for project submissions

Registration fees are: $100 USD – The competition language is English.


• First Place: Prize from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, $30,000 USD

• Second Place: Prize from the President of Korean Rural Community Corporation, Prize from the Goesan-Gun
Governor and prize from the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture, $5,000 USD each

• Third Place: Prize from the President of Korean Rural Community Corporation, Prize from the Goesan-Gun Governor
and prize from the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture, $2,000 USD each.


The international jury is composed of the following architects:

Charles Walker (United Kingdom); Shuhei Endo (Japan); Young-Hwan, Im (Republic of Korea); Joh Sung-Yong Im
(Republic of Korea); Dominique Gauzin Müller (France) representing the UIA ; Emilien Gohaud (France ) deputy jury
member representing the UIA.

Information and registration: http://www.krac.kr/2015/main

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21.08.2015 00:00