Royal Canal – Linear Park Competition

The competition is being organised by The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland and all queries in respect of the competition should be addressed to Jill Jacob, RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland, Tel: 00353 1 6691463/6761703 or E-mail: Website:

The Competition Promoter’s are Dublin Docklands Development Authority, Custom House Quay, Docklands, Dublin 1, Tel: 00353 1 818 3300, Fax: 00353 1 818 3399, E-mail:

To download the Registration Form click:

Nature of competition

The competition is an open two-stage design contest competition for the architectural/landscape/design services for an urban park on the Royal Canal.

The competition objectives are to:

Create a linear urban park of outstanding design quality;

Provide for additional public green amenity space in an area where there is a current shortfall;

Provide a strategic route through the north Docklands along the canal and improve connections between adjoining areas;

Provide facilities for active youth recreation in an area where there is a current shortfall;

Transform the negative image of the canal to one that is positive and welcoming; and,

Provide an attractive environment for boating activities.


The competition is open to architects, landscape architects and urban designers with appropriate professional qualifications.

An entry may be submitted by a group practice or individuals. In the case of a practice the name and address should be given and the official entry form signed by a partner. In this context the practice is defined as; a partnership properly established for the purpose of a design competition or an association for the purpose of entering the competition.

Competition Jury

Roisin Henegan – henegan.peng architects

John McKeown – Waterways Ireland

Gerry Barry – Dublin City Council Parks Department

Jim Barrett – Dublin City Architect

John Clancy – Iarnród Éireann (Irish Rail) Architect

Geraldine O’Driscoll – North Wall Womens Centre

Willie O’Dwyer – East Wall Community Centre

Joan O’Connor – Docklands Authority (Board)

Peter Coyne – Docklands Authority (CEO)

John McLaughlin – Docklands Authority Architect

Competition Prizes

Stage 1 – There will be no prize to any of the Stage 1 applicants and all applicants must bear their own costs and expenses.

Stage 2 – Each selected applicant who submits a qualifying submission will be paid a prize of €10,000.

Prize for Winner

In addition to the prize for Stage 2, the Competition Winner will also be paid a prize of €60,000. On payment of this Prize the Promoter will thereafter own the copyright of the drawings.

Employment of Competition Winner

The Promoter does not currently have ownership or control over all of the lands forming the site for the proposed park and it may not be possible for the Promoter to arrange development of the whole Park as a single project. It may be that the Park will be developed in phases.

However it is the intention of the Promoter to offer contracts to the Competition Winner for the development, in all or part, of the concept design plans to:-

(a) Full contractual drawings in order to go to tender, and

(b) To manage the tender process.

The giving of either contract will be subject to reaching a mutually acceptable agreement with the Competition Winner on:-

The provision of the services including satisfying the Promoter of the capacity to deliver within programme including directing that the Competition Winner to associate with an approved practice, and the level of fees to be paid by the Promoter. In the event of the winner being offered a contract, the prizes will form part of the fee.


Stage 1 will require the submission of concept designs for the park. At Stage One the Assessors shall select up to seven entries for Stage 2 submissions. Stage 1 competitors are required to submit 2 AO size sheets of information mounted on lightweight board in a portrait format and a written report. For the purposes of the Competition, the designers should assume a project budget of €15M.

A site plan at a scale of 1:1000 to illustrate the strategy for development of the site.

A context plan (or series of plans) at a scale of 1:5000, to illustrate the park within its urban context.

Sufficient sketches to illustrate the entrants design concept.

An indication of landscaping, materials and nature of details proposed for both hard and soft landscaping.

Competition Programme

Opening of Competition Registration: 7 March 2005

Withdrawal of Registration and refund of Registration fee: 1 April 2005

Closing Date for receipt of Competitors’ Questions: 1 April 2005

Circulation of Answers to Competitors: 15 April 2005

Registration Closes: 10 May 2005

Final Date for Submission of Entry: 10 May 2005

Stage One Assessment: May 2005

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