Tuleviku lennujaama konkurss tudengitele
Lennujaamadele spetsialiseerunud arhitektuuribüroo korraldab konkursi tudengitele. NB! Registreerimise tähtaeg 31. oktoober 2011.
What is the future of airport design? How will the Airport of the Future look and function?
Fentress Global Challenge is inviting students around the globe to envision the AIRPORT OF THE FUTURE.
This competition will showcase imagined possibilities in airport design.The goal is to advance the concept of what the future could be… it’s an exciting and limitless destination.
The competition is open to graduate and undergraduate students actively enrolled and pursuing an architecture or engineering degree, as well as 2011 graduates.
Winning students will receive cash prizes and gain international exposure. Top design concepts will be exhibited in the international touring exhibition Now Boarding: Fentress Airports and the Architecture of Flight, which will offer a multi-media immersion into the past, present and future of airport design. It will open in North America in the summer of 2012, and will travel internationally through 2015.
1st Place: US$10,000prize and a certificate
(US$10,000 prize includes US$3,000 cash, 4 week paid internship at Fentress Architects, airfare and lodging)
2nd Place: US$1,000cash prize and a certificate
3rd Place: US$500 cash prize and a certificate
Registration Deadline October 31, 2011
Submission Deadline December 31, 2011
Winners Announced February 15, 2012
Winning Designs Exhibited July 2012- 2015
Internship at Fentress Architects Summer 2012
For more information and to register: www.theairportofthefuture.com/fentressglobalchallenge
Fentress Architects is a global leader in airport architecture with a portfolio totaling more than 52 million square feet of airport terminals and facilities. Our commitment to people and their communities is integrated into every terminal we design.