Varna raamatukogu rahvusvaheline arhitektuurivõistlus (Bulgaaria)

The new building aims to collect the library under one roof, to ensure its comfortable and smooth working process and to create a new and attractive public space in the centre of Varna at the same time.

The Municipality of Varna and the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria would like to invite worldwide architects to participate.


The competition is to solve a long-standing problem of Varna (the third biggest city in Bulgaria and a century old Black Sea port at that) which has been without proper building of its library for years. The Library of Varna is a 130 year old institution, but presently its collection of over 860 000 library items is spread in 6 different buildings throughout the city. The new building aims to collect the library under one roof, to ensure its comfortable and smooth working process and to create a new and attractive public space in the centre of Varna at the same time.


The new building of Varna Regional Library will be the first library to be built in Bulgaria for the last 30 years. This competition aims that the future building should demonstrate contemporary attitude to books and have one major message: “We are a modern, open and friendly institution. Come to spend your free time with us.”


The competition is free and anonymous. Eligible for participation are architects or teams with at least one member who is an architect and in legal capacity to practice architectural design.


Competition projects are expected by November 9.


Trine Berthold, schmidt hammer lassen architects (Denmark)

Matja Bevk/ Vasa Perovic, bevk perovic arhitekti (Slovenia)

Petr Lešek, projektil architects (the Czech Republic)

Kaloyan Erevinov, Zaha Hadid Architects London (Bulgaria)

Representatives of Varna Municipality and the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria


First prize

20 000 BGN (or ~10 000 EUR)

Second and third prize

10 000 BGN (or ~5 000 EUR)


The winner will be invited to enter into a contract with Varna Municipality for preparation of design development and design execution investment project with maximum projected fee of 600 000 BGN (or ~300 000 EUR)

More information can be found on the competition website:

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09.11.2015 00:00
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