Viinikanlahti planeerimiskonkurss Tamperes

An international ideas competition has started off in Viinikanlahti, a highly exciting area close to Tampere city centre. Competitors get to design a housing area of over 3,000 residents on the shores of Lake Pyhäjärvi, as well as a leisure time environment for the locals and tourists.

Viinikanlahti 2030 – New lakeside district in the city centre

location: Tampere, Finland

type: open international ideas competition

stage I: 15 May – 27 September, 2019

stage II: 15 November, 2019 – 14 February, 2020

prizes: 165,000–345,000 euros 

languages: English, Finnish

An international ideas competition has started off in Viinikanlahti, a highly exciting area close to Tampere city centre. Competitors get to design a housing area of over 3,000 residents on the shores of Lake Pyhäjärvi, as well as a leisure time environment for the locals and tourists. With a population of roughly 370,000, the sustainably growing Tampere is the largest inland city in the Nordic Countries and, together with the neighbouring municipalities, forms the second-largest urban area in Finland.

The aim of the ideas competition, which is open to all, is to create a new and ecologically sustainable city district that boasts high-quality architecture and meets the needs of the 21st century. The competition task is exceptionally interesting: the unique Viinikanlahti area has the most beautiful lake views in the centre of Tampere, but also involves environmental challenges. The size of the competition area (land and water) is roughly 40 hectares. The wastewater treatment plant currently operating in the area will be moved elsewhere. After the competition, both a master plan and a local detailed plan will be prepared for the area. The environment will be cleaned and the new city district constructed in phases between 2024-2035.

The competition is organised by the City of Tampere in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) and the Association of Finnish Landscape Architects (MARK).

Further information on the competition website:

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27.09.2019 00:00