WAN Awards: Commercial Buildings

The International Union of Architects announces the launch of the WAN AWARDS, devoted to completed or un-built commercial buildings. This award honours all types of facilities in this sector — offices, banks, hotel, cultural and leisure complexes, commercial centres — be they completed or as yet un-built, realised or designed over the last three years (after 1st January 2007). Deadline for submission is 31 October 2010.

Miguel Ruano will represent UIA on the jury for this session of the Awards. This Spanish architect works on large scale programmes and is an expert in the sustainability sector as in that of the impact of communication technologies on human settlements. His book “Eco-urbanism. Sustainable Urban Environments: 60 projects” is a reference in these fields.

Via UIA, a reduction of 20% on the registration fee is offered to new participants in this award by using the following code:


at the time of registration. Each session of this bimonthly awards programme, is devoted to a different sector. The previous session concerned urban design; the next will be for residential buildings.

The programme is organised by World Architecture News, on-line international architecture review, UIA media partner.

World Architecture News – Commercial Buildings

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31.10.2010 00:00
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