Warwick Junction International Competition for Architecture Students

‘Warwick Junction’, a unique location within central Durban, is the site for the international competition open to architecture students worldwide, launched as part of the next UIA congress in South Africa (3-7 August 2014).

‘Warwick Junction’, a unique location within central Durban, is the site for the

international competition open to architecture students worldwide, launched as part of the

next UIA congress in South Africa (3-7 August 2014). This transport node is a place for

exchange and informal commerce with unique qualities at an unprecedented scale.

Based on the congress theme ‘Architecture Otherwhere’, the aim of the competition is to

highlight the complex ecology of Warwick Junction and its economic, social and cultural

dynamic by proposing solutions that will be to the benefit and well being of the community

and the half a million people who frequent this area every day. Projects must propose three

visions simultaneously: a long term – large scale solution; medium term – medium scale

solution; an immediate small scale intervention.



Registration deadline: 31 October 2013

Deadline for submitting projects: 31 March 2014

Announcement of the results at the UIA Congress in Durban: August 2014



Gold Award: 50 000 ZAR (approx. 3 800 euros)

Silver Award: 30 000 ZAR (approx. 2 300 euros)

Bronze Award: 20 000 ZAR (approx. 1500 euros)



The competition is open to architecture students throughout the world. It takes place online.

The registration fee is 500 ZAR (approx.38 euros) to be paid on line. The competition

language is English. Competitors must submit their projects in digital format, A1 Adobe pdf.



Contact :

Alene Naidoo

Oluline info

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31.03.2014 00:00
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