Dr. Panu Lehtovuori avalik loeng EKAs 11.05.06

Open lecture
Dr. Panu Lehtovuori:
New Urbanism and neotraditionalism. A critical view.

EAA assembly hall
Thursday May 11, 2006
at 5 pm.

New Urbanism is a neotraditionalistic planning movement, originating
from the USA. It’s slightly paradoxical name refers to an ethos of
restoring urban values and density as means to heal the problems of
car-dominated urban sprawl. In the USA, New Urbanism has become fairly
popular, especially as a design recipe for the planned neighborhoods.
The wider societal aims of the movement are hardly achieved, though. In
recent years, New Urbanism has landed in Europe as New European
Urbanism. The context in Europe is very different from the US,
redefining both the problems and promises of the new urbanist agenda.
The lecture will discuss examples from the US, Netherlands, Great
Britain, Sweden and Finland.
The lecture belongs to the Architecture and the Contemporary City series. www.artun.ee

Estonian Academy of Arts
Urban Studies MA