EKA Arhitektuuriteaduskonna järgmine avatud loeng sel neljapäeval

Esineb Ena Lloret Kristensen, loeng algab kl 19 ning toimub LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2).

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sarja järgmine esineja on Ena Lloret Kristensen.

Loeng toimub neljapäeval, 18. oktoobril kell 19.00 LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2)


“Dynamic fabrication processes”


The production of non‐standard concrete structures are generally done with rigid static cast, where in the concrete is placed and cured, before the formwork is removed. In order to produce non‐standard geometries within a casting process it therefore implies the production of an individualized formwork for each of the elements produced. These formworks are in many cased only used once, this creates a large amount of waste and energy consume, hence a process which doesn´t promise efficiency at all. This lecture will focus on research projects exploring a dynamic process of fabrication, which aims towards releasing the production of non‐standard concrete structures from the need of a static cast.

Additional information:


Biographical notes

Ena Lloret Kristensen is a Research Fellow at the Chair for Architecture and Digital Fabrication in Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich since 2010. Her research work focuses on the capability and efficiency of existing and approved concrete construction techniques, which in conjunction with digital fabrication envision an innovative fabrication approach: releasing the construction of complex concrete structures from the need for custom made formwork.

Ena Lloret, ArchMAA

since 08/2010 Research Fellow at the Chair for Architecture und Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich

2008-2010 MArch Program at Design Research Laboratory (DRL) AA London, UK.

2006-2008 Querkraft Architects, AT

2007Architect MAA – Danish Architects Association, DK

2004-2006 Dietrich Untertrifaller Architects, Vienna/Bregnez, AT

2003-2004 Allmann Sattler Wappner, Munich, D

2004- /3-7 ArchtectenCIE, Amsterdam, NL

2003-2004 MA, Danmarks Design Skole, Copenhagen, DK 2001-2002 Intern at Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), Rotterdam, NL

2000-2001 Eindhoven Design Academy, Eindhovenen, NL

1974 born in Copenhagen, DK


After graduating in Copenhagen, Ena gained professional experience in Holland, Germany and Austria. Her role included project leader for several architectural competitions and planning projects. She has received a number of awards for international competition work in collaboration with Erwin Stättner & Robert Diem. Ena was invited architect under the name NO 45, for the international project CASA Portuguesa in Silves Portugal. Her interest in academic teaching and research led Ena to participate in the DRL Master studies at the London School AA, funded by a grant from Danish Architects Association and a public Grant from the Ministry of Education of Denmark. As a result of her master’s thesis, Ena gained a position as a research fellow at the ETH Zurich.


Images from “Fluid Cast”

Architectural Association

Design Research Lab 2009

by Maria Eugenia Villafane, Ena Lloret Kristensen, Catalina Pollak Williamson, Jaime De Miguel Rodriguez

Studio Adviser  Marta Male Alemany and Jeroen Van Ameijde


EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna loengusarja sügissemestri esinejad:


6. september – Haakon Rasmussen – 3RW architects www.3rw.no

13. september – Oron Catts – SymbioticA www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au

20. september – Odile Decq – ODBC www.odbc-paris.com

27. september – Achim Menges – ICD Stuttgart Universität www.achimmenges.net

4. oktoober – Renee Puusepp – SliderStudio www.reneepuusepp.com

18. oktoober  – Ena Lloret Kristensen – ETH Zürich www.dfab.arch.ethz.ch/web/e/team/106.html – LHV panga saal (Tartu mnt. 2)

1. november – Johan Peter Paludan – Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies www.cifs.dk – LHV panga saal (Tartu mnt. 2)

15. november – Michael Weinstock – Architectural Association School of Architecture  http://emtech.aaschool.ac.uk – LHV panga saal (Tartu mnt. 2)

29. november – Tham & Videgård Arkitekter www.tvark.se – LHV panga saal (Tartu mnt. 2)


Loengud on mõeldud kõigile tehiskeskkonna loomisega tegelevatele üliõpilastele ja sellega seotud erialade praktikutele ning avatud ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile.

Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.

Loengusarja kodulehekülg: http://www.artun.ee/avatudloengud/

Loengusarja toetavad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tallinna Ettevõtlusamet, LHV pank, Norra Suursaatkond, Rootsi Suursaatkond, Taani Kultuuri Instituut, Briti Nõukogu, Graphic Concrete Ltd, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Loengute sari kuulub Teadusaasta ürituste hulka.

Loengusarja korraldab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond.

Olete oodatud!


Anu Piirisild

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond

tel 642 0071