Florenc21 : Phase West arhitktuurikonkurss Prahas
Registration is open until 13 December 2024, and the deadline for submitting initial design ideas is 7 February 2025.

Outline of individual blocks to be addressed by the relevant architectural competition of Florenc21 Phase West, extract from the Coordination Study, author: UNIT architekti, A69 – architekti and Jakub Cígler Architekti, 2024
The architectural competitions aim to find architecturally high-quality, economically feasible, socially and environmentally sustainable architectural designs for each block of the development site Florenc21: Phase West. The key documents for the site coordinated development and the General Brief for all four competitions are “Site Regulation and Development Principles” and “Site Coordination”, both based on the masterplan by the winning team UNIT architekti, A69 – architekti, and Marko & Placemakers from the Urban Design Competition Florenc21, held in 2021.
These four parallel architectural competitions will be overseen by a single international jury to ensure a harmonious result, despite the intentional diversity of its parts.
The objective of the four parallel architectural competitions is to find high-quality architectural designs for four blocks of the western part of the Florenc transformation zone to create a vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhood featuring new homes, offices, retail and leisure spaces. Total gross floor area of Phase West is 85,000 sqm.
Each of the competitions will consist of three phases. In Phase 1, participants will submit an initial design idea along with a portfolio of reference projects. The jury will shortlist 6 – 8 teams for Phase 2.
Based on their design concepts 3 – 4 teams will be selected for Phase 3. Participants of Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be remunerated.
Total prize money will amount to 700 000 eur.
Lisainfo: https://florenc21.eu/contest/