Paul-Henri SPAAK Building rahvusvaheline eelkvalifitseerimisega 1-etapiline ideevõistlus
rahvusvaheline eelkvalifitseerimisega 1-etapiline ideevõistlus
Subject of the competition is the renewal of the Paul-Henri SPAAK Building, the Brussels Chamber building of the European Parliament in the centre of Brussels with a total area of approx. 84,000 sqm GFA.

The notion of “renewal” covers all approaches between a “renovation” of the building, and a “reconstruction” of the building. It is one of the main components of the competition task to identify the right approach.
• Between 12 to 15 groups of architects, as lead members, together with structural engineers and environmental experts will be selected through an open pre-qualification procedure
• Deadline for the submission of applications is July 9, 2020
• Working period: September to November, 2020
• An internationally renowned professional jury will review the submissions
• A total sum of approx. 1.5 Mio Euro (net) is intended for prizes and honoraria
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