Avatud loengute sarjas esineb Alice Buoli
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sarjas esineb sel neljapäeval, 3. märtsil Alice Buoli – BorderScaping.

The Ceuta / Morocco border landscapes, beyond the binary language of territorial and political control (photo by Noel Criado Lopez, Ceuta 2009)
Loeng toimub kell 18 Kanuti Gildi SAALis (Pikk 20, Tallinn).
Alice Buoli tutvustab avatud loengul oma Põhja-Maroko ja Hispaania piirialade maastike uurimustöö tulemusi – kuidas maastik ise on tekitanud piiriolukorra ja loonud uue disainikeskkonna.
BorderScaping. An explorative study on the North Moroccan/Spanish border landscapes
Rooted in ‘border landscapes’ research and post-colonial studies, BorderScaping proposes an understanding of the productive interactions between ‘border thinking’ and ‘design thinking’ towards alternative forms of imagination for contemporary border landscapes, beyond existing geo-political and cultural polarizations.
The Moroccan / Spanish border is explored as one relevant observatory of the past and ongoing re-bordering dynamics across Europe’s borders in the Mediterranean and in North Africa.
By addressing a set of emerging “borderscapes’ constellations”, seen both as diachronical narratives and transcalar socio-spatial fields, the lecture intends to unfold the background knowledge for alternative images of change.
Alice Buoli is an Architect and PhD in Territorial Design and Government. Her most recent professional and academic activities lie at the intersection between urban research, design thinking and borderlands studies, with a peculiar interest on the Euro-Mediterranean context and on the Spanish-Moroccan border landscapes. She is currently Experienced Researcher at the Estonian Academy of Arts, in the context of Adapt-r FP7 ITN Program.
Alice Buoli on arhitekt, kellel on Milano Polütehnikumist territoriaaldisaini ja -haldamise doktorikraad. Tema doktoritöö “BorderScaping” on uurimus Põhja-Maroko ja Hispaania piiri maastikest. Tema uurimisvaldkonnaks on piirialade ja linnauurimise ning kaasava disaini ühisosa. Kevadsemestril viibib Alice Adapt-r FP7 ITN programmi raames teadlasena EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonnas.
Loengusarja kevadsemestri esinejad:
04.02. Víctor Enrich – Víctor Enrich studio
18.02. Robert Vierlinger – Bollinger+Grohmann / nformations
03.03. Alice Buoli – BorderScaping
17.03. Milota Sidorova – WPS Prague
31.03. Onur Sönmez – Onur Sönmez
14.04. Tristan Boniver – Rotor
05.05. Brian Cody – Energy Design Cody
12.05. Liam Young – Tomorrows Thoughts Today
Arhitektuuriteaduskond kutsub Tallinnasse loengusarjale esinema maailmas tuntud arhitekte, teoreetikud, kriitikud ja urbaniste, et tutvustada arhitektuuri, disaini, linnaehituse ning kriitilise mõtte värskeid vaatenurki. Loengud on mõeldud nii arhitektuurivaldkonna tudengitele ja erialaga seotud professionaalidele, kui ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile. Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.
Loengusarja kodulehekülg: www.avatudloengud.ee
Loengusarja kuraatorid on Sille Pihlak ja Siim Tuksam
Loengusarja kevadhooaega toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital
At the Open Lecture Series internationally renowned architects, artists, theoreticians, critics and urbanists from all around the globe give talks to offer fresh perspectives on architecture, design, urban development and critical thought. The lectures are open to everyone interested in the future of our living environment.
The lectures are held in English, free of charge.
The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
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