EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avalik loeng: Jonas Norsted (AtelierOslo)

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskond kuulutab välja kevadise avatud loengute sarja.

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskond kuulutab välja kevadise avatud loengute sarja.

Loengud toimuvad LHV panga saalis aadressil Tartu mnt.2.,  Cityplaza hoone 1. korrusel – Tallinna kesklinnas EKA tulevase hoone kõrval.

Loengud toimuvad igal teisel neljapäeval algusega kell 18.00


23. veebruar – Christoph Frank (PLATOON)

8. märts – Matthias Rick (Raumlabor)           

22. märts – Jonas Norsted (AtelierOslo)       

5. aprill – Fabio Gramazio (Gramazio&Kohler)

19. aprill – CJ Lim (Studio8)  


Loengud on mõeldud kõigile tehiskeskkonna loomisega tegelevatele üliõpilastele ja sellega seotud erialade praktikutele ning avatud ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile.

Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.

Christoph Frank__PLATOON

Christoph Frank is one of the key co-founders of PLATOON, an organization moving on the edge between the communication, cultural and art sector. Their network is a platform where creatives from different areas from all around the globe share insights and ideas, present their projects to a community of likeminded, and come to form interactive squads for work on projects together. These cover diverse subculture events and developments, as it is a place for open sharing and knowledge exchange. Headquarters in Berlin and Seoul are their platforms for exhibitions, workshops, lectures and discussions on urban street art, graphic design, performance, fashion, digital art, music, film, club culture and political interventions. PLATOON is not a classic white-cube-art institution, it is a place to develop creativity.



Matthias Rick__Raumlabor

Raumlabor Berlin began working on the issues of contemporary architecture and urbanism in 1999 in various interdisciplinary working teams where they investigate strategies for urban renewal. Raumlabor designs and builds, makes interactive environments and researches. An example of their range of projects is for example their “Küchenmonument”: the Kitchen Monument as a mobile sculpture where different programmes are staged in different places. Its broad spectrum of uses includes a banquet hall, conference room, cinema, concert hall, ballroom, dormitory, boxing arena and steam bath. Partners of Raumlabor Berlin are Francesco Apuzzo, Markus Bader, Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, Andrea Hofmann, Jan Liesegang, Christoph Mayer, Matthias Rick, Axel Timm.



Jonas Norsted__AtelierOslo

AtelierOslo consists of architects Jonas Norsted, Marius Mowe, Nils Ole Brandtzæg and Thomas Liu. They recently won the first prize in the competition to design the new Deichmann Library in Oslo which will sit next to the award-winning opera house by Snøhetta. Atelier Oslo, noted for their highly refined, articulated designs, is a Norwegian architecture office which also won, for example, the Norwegian Wood competition for designing an engaging urban space for the Sandnes municipality plaza, as a part of a series of competitions organized to address different initiatives with art and design for Stavanger’s appointment of European Cultural Capital in 2008.



Fabio Gramazio__Gramazio&Kohler

Fabio Gramazio investigates spatial relationships and contextual behavior through programming, using the complementary potential of digital fabrication and traditional design. As Professor for Architecture and Digital Fabrication at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, his research activities are concentrated on the development of fabrication processes for the additive production of highly informed, non-standardised architectonic products, explored within the teaching process in terms of their architectonic, constructive and economic potential. Gramazio&Kohler recent works include the WISH Pavilion at Expo.02, the new Christmas illuminations in the Zurich Bahnhofstrasse as well as the contemporary dance institution “Tanzhaus Zurich”.



CJ Lim__Studio8

Professor CJ Lim has over 20 years experience in the design of the built environment, and is listed in Debrett’s People of Today and the International Who’s Who for his architecture and academic contributions. In 2004, the Guardian and the Independent newspapers listed him as one of the New British Talents in Architecture, and the Iakhov Chermikhov Foundation in Moscow included CJ Lim in their top ten young international architects 2007 list. In 2006, the Royal Academy of Arts London “Summer Exhibition” awarded CJ Lim the Grand Architecture Prize, the prestigious award with past winners including Lord Rogers, Lord Foster and Sir Colin St John Wilson. In addition to practice, he is the Professor of Architecture and Cultural Design at the Bartlett, University College London.



Loengusarja toetavad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, LHV pank, Norra saatkond, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia


Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond

tel 642 0070