EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loeng: Carolyn Wittendal ja Benjamin Jacqueme (Microclimax)

Carolyn Wittendal ja Benjamin Jacquemet (Microclimax)

LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2) kell 19.00

«Détournement & hybridation. Gaps in the law»

In a more and more controlled society, rules, norms, security, obligation of performance… strongly impact basic architecture and tend to limit the role of the architect to the prescription of normalized items, in formated dimensions and materials, restricting the production of new forms or processes. Détournement of those legal aspects and hybridation with other disciplines for which the same norms do not apply (ie landscape, art…) can allow gaps in the law for invention and creativity.

Microclimax is a creative practice founded by Carolyn Wittendal and Benjamin Jacquemet, working on the social and human relations in urban or rural environment, in public or private space. Their interventions are living processes defined by action rather than style. The site, the uses and the User are the bases and the matter of their projects. The forms are not pre-defined but vary with the context and develop by producing interaction with their environment. Microclimax uses sampling, absurdity, diversion, collage, recycling, provocation, etc as tools to produce hybrids of art, architecture, design and landscape and to set poetry in function in the reality. Microclimax biography enlists numerous participation with distinction and awards at different architecture and design competitions.


Loeng on mõeldud kõigile tehiskeskkonna loomisega tegelevatele üliõpilastele ja sellega seotud erialade praktikutele ning avatud ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile.

 Loeng on inglise keeles ning tasuta.

Loengusarja kodulehekülg: http://www.artun.ee/avatudloengud/

Loengusarja toetavad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Tallinna Ettevõtlusamet, LHV pank, Norra Suursaatkond, Rootsi Suursaatkond, Taani Kultuuri Instituut, Briti Nõukogu, Prantsuse Instituut Eestis, USA Suursaatkond, Graphic Concrete Ltd, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Loengute sari kuulub Teadusaasta ürituste hulka.

Loengusarja korraldab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond.

Olete oodatud!



Anu Piirisild

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond

tel 642 0071