EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loeng: Claudia Pasquero / ecoLogicStudio

METAFollies for the Metropolitan Landscape

ecoLogicStudio’s META-Follies for the Metropolitan Landscape are a series of projects investigating the possibility to es­tablishing a playful dialogue between human and architecture, enabling the development of clouds of knowledge, a form of meta-language based on material experience, patterns recog­nition, sedimentation of feelings as well as a real-time meta-conversation.

ecoLogicStudio is an architecture studio combining a new form of digital craftsmanship with the development of strategic and critical concepts of urban self-sufficiency. We design and engineer responsive architectural and urban prototypes, living artificial assemblages deployed to test future practices of ecologic development. We combine virtual and physical environments to radicalize our contemporary experience of nature and prefigure new typologies of urban landscapes. Within these spatial and experiential frameworks the urban energy, waste, water and food cycles are re-engineered as synthetic hybrids of matter and digital information.



EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna loengusarja 2013 kevadsemestri esinejad:
Sami Rintala_Rintala&Eggertsson_24.1
Kivi Sotamaa_ADDLab_7.2
Jaanika Peerna_28.2
Winka Dubbeldam_PennDesign / Archi-Tectonics_7.3
Bart Lootsma_Innsbruck University_21.3
Gert Wingårdh_Chalmers / Wingårdhs_4.4
Srdjan Weiss_NAO_18.4
Thibault Schwartz_HAL_2.5
Claudia Pasquero_ecoLogic Studio_16.5

Loengud on mõeldud ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile. Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.

Vt ka http://www.artun.ee/avatudloengud/

Sarja toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, LHV pank, Norra Suursaatkond, Rootsi Suursaatkond, USA Suursaatkond, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Loengute sari kuulub Teadusaasta ürituste hulka.

Korraldab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond.

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Anu Piirisild
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond

tel 642 0071