Tales of Tomorrow’ s Architecture
Tales of Tomorrow’s Architecture on April 8th is the first of a series of events under the collective umbrella banner of ‘Architecture-live’
THURSDAY, 8 APRIL 2021 FROM 11:00 UTC+03-14:00 UTC+03
Join us for wide-ranging conversations from our forward-looking key-note speakers who aim to inspire the global community of architects as well as those who support, supply and deliver their designs to the world.

Each one brings to the arena their unique approach, vision and ideals on how Architecture is, could be, and more importantly, will be incorporated in our future society.
In addition, the Open Call for Tallinn Architecture Biennale TAB 2022 Installation Programme Competition be introduced at the event!
Register now to attend this virtual event for FREE!
“The complex simplicity of human architecture” – LINA GHOTMEH – Paris, France
“Kokkugia – how to imagine the future” – ROLAND SNOOKS – Melbourne, Australia
“Architecture as Poetry” – PETER SOVETNIKOV – Saint Petersburg, Russia
“Architect and harakiri: Architecture as an environmental art” – MARCO CASAGRANDE – Helsinki, Finland
“Mixed Reality” – GWYLLIM JAHN – Melbourne, Australia
“Architecture starts from location” – TOMOMI HAYASHI – Tallinn, Estonia
“Computural design and fabrication new technologies” – GILLES RETSIN – London, England