Governance of European Metropolitan Regions

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond kutsub kuulama Peter Ache loengut "Governance of European Metropolitan Regions"
Neljapäeval, 22.veebruaril kell 17.20
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia auditooriumis 119 A

Peter Ache,
Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Ing., is a Professor of European Metropolitan Planning at TKK, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK) and Department of Architecture, Helsinki. Before joining the Network for Urban Studies ( in 2006 he worked at Universities in the UK and Germany. His main current research interest is related to governance in urban and territorial policies and European spatial development, where he participated in the ESPON research programme ( Since July 2006, Peter Ache is President of the AESOP association of European planning schools.

Governance of European Metropolitan Regions The talk will reflect on a couple of phenomena: The debate about ‘metropolitan regions’ and some interpretations regarding those. The debate about ‘governance’, which looks at a wide range of urban and territorial policies or strategies. And last, the European territorial context, which needs to be understood as an increasingly important framework for national spatial development.

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
Arhitektuuri teaduskond
Urbanistika õppetool

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