III Graphisoft Architects’ Regatt

III Graphisoft Architects Regatt Balatoni järvel

Ungari Arhitektide Assotsiatsioon kutsub huvilisi III Graphisoft Architects Regatile Balatoni järvel Ungaris.

Regatt toimub 4-6. Juunil 2010.


III. Graphisoft Architects’ Regatta 2010

Conference and sailing competition

4-6. June 2010.


Balatonlelle, Hungary, BL Yacht Club (8638 Balatonlelle, Köztársaság street 36-38., Hungary)

4th June 2010. “Development around Lake Balaton” conferenceRegistration from 13:00 o’clock at place or before via e-mail

Balaton country and tradition

  • József Laposa landscape architect, wine grower 
  • András Krizsán architect, chief architect of Pula, representative of the UIA Habitat Work Programme in Hungary 
  • Attila Lantay state chief architect, Regional director of AHA 
  • György Kerekes architect, urbanist, sociologist, representative of the UIA Habitat Work Programme in Hungary 

Development around Lake Balaton


  • István Virányi state chief architect
  • Pál Dános architect, director general of SDC Holding
  • Csaba Sárközi architect

Chances in architecture – planning and construction

  • Kornél Kovács Graphisoft R&D
  • Sándor Horváth Technical University of Budapest
  • Tibor Seidl Graphisoft CAD Studio

After the conference: musical and cultural programme in the evening

5th June 2010. Balatonlelle

  • Graphisoft Architects’ Regatta
  • Sailing  tour competition – not just for sailors
  • Award ceremony – giving of the Graphisoft first award
  • Musical and cultural programme in the evening       

6th June 2010. Balatonlelle

  • Graphisoft Architects’ Regatta
  • Sailing  up&down course competition for the first price of the Association of Hungarian
  • Award ceremony after the competition


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