näituse “Urban Odyssey” avamine täna

EKA Arhitektuuriteaduskonna Urbanistika õppetool kutsub näituse avamisele EKA galeriis täna, 18.aprillil kell 18.00.


Estonian Academy of Arts


17th of April 2007


*Exhibition /”Urban Odyssey”/*


*Opening of the exhibition will take place on Wednesday April 18th at 18.00 in the gallery of the Estonian Academy of Arts.* The exhibition collects different representations of urban situations or urbanisms throughout the world.


The exhibition, organised by the Chair of Urban Studies at EKA, includes works about Tallinn done during the January workshop */”Modelling Urban Space and Process”/*, with a *Space Syntax model of Tallinn *to analyse its connectivity and the Taggin’ Tallinn installation as a representation of its virtual sister.


In */”Odyssey”/*, architect Olli Lehtovuori presents travel drawings from classical sites in Sicily and Greece.


The MA students of Urban Studies represent an */”Urban Passage”/* through texts and an analysis of the urban experience of walking, focusing on interaction and behavioural analysis. Lilia del Río, alumni from the Master of Arts, explores through */”Last-resource urbanism:

temporary besiegement”/* the street markets and strike camps in Mexico and how they use the urban fabric.


*/”Calzada de Sant’Ana”/* draws attention to one particular street in Portugal by senior lecturer in Geography at the University of Helsinki, Prof. Hille Koskela, and Prof. Panu Lehtovuori, Head of the Urban Studies Department at the Estonian Academy of Arts.


Two videos, */”Crosswise”/* by Tuomo Rainio and */”Digitaline”/* by Christoph Höschele, map the traces of the human in the memory of the city.


Together all the pieces conform a bricolage in the same way that the urban is constructed. The over-arching idea is to convey the multiplicity of ways how we can experience cities, but also affecting the way that we can study and plan the urban areas.


/In connection to this, the Chair of Urban Studies will host the 4th international conference *Urban Studies Days *with the theme *”Research and Activism”* *25-26 April*, at the EKA Aula.



Exhibition funded by the Chair of Urban Studies and the Estonian Cultural Endowment.



More information:*


Prof. Panu Lehtovuori

*Head of the Urban Studies Department

Estonian Academy of Arts



*MA Lilia Del Río

*Teacher and Assistant of Chair of Urban Studies Estonian Academy of Arts


