Panu Lehtovuori avalik loeng 16.02.06 EKAs

Täna, 16. veebruaril kell 17.00
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia aulas
Panu Lehtovuori avalik loeng teemal

Beyond Postmodern Urbanism

The inventors of „Postmodern Urbanism” suggest that the current urban
condition needs radically new conceptualisations and theories. They
offer Los Angeles and Southern California as exemplars of the new
condition – much as 1920s Chicago was taken as a model and study ground
of industrial metropolis – developing new epistemology, vocabulary and
focus for urban research. The introduction of Postmodern Urbanism by
Michael Dear and Steven Flusty in late 1990s provoked one of the
bitterest academic fights of recent years. The lecture will discuss
different takes on the notion as well as its criticisms in the pages of
Urban Geography and elsewhere. Linking the debate to Andrew Sayer’s
older distinction between concrete and abstract research, the lecture
will conclude on the applicability of the concepts of Postmodern
Urbanism in Tallinn.

The lecture belongs to the Architecture and the Contemporary City series.
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